Tuesday, December 17, 2019

1st Semester Reflection

1. My images are decent but I feel like I could've put more work into them. I usually do projects in the moment and when I have time and the confidence that I got some decent images. Most of my images are based on contrast and focus. The quality of the subject matter I should be taking more images of the subject but I take minimum amounts of the subject and not the required amount for an index print. The amount of effort I put into these projects could be better put out if I had more creative ways of doing the projects rather than taking a picture of the image in spare moments. I do my best in trying to complete an assignment with full creativity and staying on that subject. I usually use the correct formats and resolutions if they are provided with the information on the project. Completing the work on time can be difficult because everyone has different classes and the Blue project people tried to do completely similar/different things and it took me a while to complete because my first idea wasn't the best so my assignment went in late.

2. I occasionally take images for my own photography outside of this classroom. I try looking for a convenient location to take my images so that, my images don't look a cloudy sky in the background. I try to put as much effort into my work as I can but as I said before we all have 6 other classes to focus on. I tend to take the minimum amount of photos for the index prints but hopefully next quarter I will take more. Taking difficult images is something I try to do but at the same time doing outdoor photography can be effected by the weather. If a shot doesn't work I sometimes give up depending on whether I think it's worth the risk. Taking risks for me I don't do often but I try to take risk with my creativity and put it towards something I think is inspiring. Seeing other people's project makes me realize that I could do better with my images. I try to stay positive towards some of my photography but when I think I did good others don't think the same.

3. I'm always on time for class but being prepared isn't my best trait. Depending on the project is whether I do full time block schedule. I work independently but when I need help on something I'll ask for it. I try staying on task but it can be difficult.

4. As a photographer I'm a dreamer of doing the unrealistic and trying new things for the projects. I want to try new things on photoshop to make my images more bold and not too plain. Making my images more bold will improve my compositions. More confident in my images and having to put more effort would make this class more of a challenge but I want to take that challenge. More creative concepts and fun projects;for example two person photoshoot projects would be fun.

5. 2nd semester I'm hoping to improve on my strategies and put more effort into these projects.

Part 2-  Group projects is a recommendation it would be something different and give students an advantage to express their ideas among their peers.

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